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April 23, 2009


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Very nice sounds! I like the glassy, icy character. Although I would maybe prefer to hear it without the pitch vibrating all the time. Is there a video of the installation available somewhere?


Wow, you really came up with some great sounds for this! I love it. So atmospheric. I know you worked hard on this complicated project and your hard work really paid off.

Well done! I only wish I could see the installation in reality...

xx {O}

Leon Milo

I wrote you a fairly long response which seems to be gone now. Anyway, thank you for your comments. I am awaiting images which were filmed for me yesterday in Milan. Will post them when they arrive.
And thank you, Natasha! :)

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I know you worked hard on this complicated project and your hard work really paid off.

Barbara T

I'm so found of your world!
You're amazing!

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